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Trade marketing

Foreign trade network marketing can be simple to understand for the use of the Internet as a marketing channel, resource library, and communication tools to carry out foreign trade marketing activities and international trade, is an the preparatory and important part of the foreign trade enterprises to develop e-commerce, relations with foreign trade e-commercecarry the success or failure.
Practical application is usually a network marketing understood as e-commerce, need clear, does not refer to the entire e-commerce network marketing, which embodies the pre-trade, the entire process of the transaction after the transaction through the Internet and otherelectronic means to achieve the process of transactions, is widely involved in the information flow, business flow, logistics and cash flow of several major elements, network marketing just e-commerce transaction need to fulfill the core mission, which play the role of "information flow",the companies want potential customers informed of the information passing through the network channels to potential clients and customers to promote the implementation of trade practices. Of course, since the whole information flow, business flow, logistics and cash flow of e-commerce enterprises is not much, mostly just to achieve a certain "flow" can also be broadly called the implementation of the e-commerce.
Internet as the role of trade marketing channels
Traditional foreign trade operations through the exhibition, traditional media, and even the personal connections as a sales channel, product sales generally by telephone, fax, on-site visits, face-to-face negotiations to complete. When the rise of the Internet, the global popularity of the application used to lower access costs, 24/7 online global Without Borders limits, as well as real-time, interactive communication function characteristics, logical to soon become the new foreign trade sales channels greatly welcomed international marketing staff. Acquire new customers through the Internet to become an ideal trade channels, not only favored by the emerging foreign trade enterprises, but also the traditional foreign trade enterprises to explore opportunities for new growth point where the occupation of the network path to become overseas export enterprises for the future market development and enhance the competitive strategic considerations.
The Internet as a marketing channel of foreign trade, the biggest advantage is calculated by subtracting the intermediate links, direct dialogue between the buyers and suppliers Internet as the role of foreign trade marketing tools
Internet applications along with the launch of a series of network technology products, such as the current highest frequency of application Email, search engine and chat tools (IM), are essentially based on Internet technology products, when they are used in enterpriseoperating activities, has become a highly effective marketing tool. Foreign trade enterprises by search engines search engine can achieve potential customers find a series of activities, market research, foreign trade, resource gathering, and customer communication and feedback Email and business chat tool is also essential to foreign trade marketing personnel tools. In addition, there are a large number of enterprise-class applications, network marketing tools, Web2.0 era spawned a new network application technology, reasonable application of these technical products, help improve job performance and professional level of network marketers .
Internet as trade marketing repository
The Internet is a huge free resource library, the first entry of this repository is to search engines. Once you have mastered the basic skills of the search, almost nothing is to eventually get the information you want. Implementation of foreign trade network marketing a variety of resources, including the overseas market information, competitive intelligence, product data, import and export policies and regulations to promote the platform, network marketing tools, the best of the Internet, to be called the best free resource library. A senior foreign trade network marketing personnel, and usually it is also a very good use of the Internet marketing resource library, was well versed in a variety of marketing resources of the target market and lay a solid foundation for doing overseas promotion.
Foreign trade network marketing is the marketing of units or the personal use of the Internet platform for trade activities of foreign trade enterprises.
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